Terms and conditions

This Customer Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions (the “Terms”) by which Kleo Cloud Limited (“we”, “our”, “Kleo” or the “Company”) provides access to our Cloud Software and/or Hardware Services, which you (“you”, “your”, “the User” or “the Customer”) purchase and/or subscribe to. Each a “Party” and collectively the “Parties” to this Agreement.

Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully before using the Software and/or Hardware provided by Kleo Cloud Limited.

1. Terms of Use

  • 1.1. By using any company services, you agree to be bound by the Terms herein. If you do not agree to any of these Terms, do not use any company services.
  • 1.2. These terms and conditions apply to all users who receive access to Cloud Software and/or Hardware services provided by Kleo, irrespective of whether the users pay a subscription fee or not. Any other terms, conditions, or representations (other than those made fraudulently or implied by statute) are excluded.
  • 1.3. We reserve the right, at any time, to amend, modify, alter, or update the terms and conditions of this agreement. We will endeavour to notify the users of such changes via email or from our App. If you continue to use the Company’s services, your use will be governed by the updated terms.
  • 1.4. No agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of these Terms, and the User does not have any authority of any kind to bind the Company in any respect whatsoever.
  • 1.5. Subject to the terms herein, all rights conferred by these Terms are granted to the User in a food serving business. No part of the Software may be used for other purposes, including, but not limited to, research, study, competitor analysis or any other activity prohibited by this agreement.
  • 1.6. By agreeing to the terms and conditions herein the User warrants that they are not and will not be deemed a ‘consumer’ as defined in The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.

2. Definitions and Interpretations

  • 2.1. Kleo Cloud Limited is a software development company and not a website development consultancy firm. As a SaaS company (“SaaS” stands for Software as a Service), we host an application(s) and make it (them) available to customers over the internet. This infers that the software sits on a SaaS company's server while the user accesses it remotely. We do not offer any website development and/or custom application development services.
  • 2.2. Kleo Services shall refer to any Cloud Software services, including, but not limited to, Electronic Point of Sales (ePOS), Self-ordering kiosks, web ordering, mobile apps ordering and QR Code ordering, and/or any Hardware services provided to the User by the Company (each a “Service” and collectively the “Services”).
  • 2.3. “Consumer” and/or “End User” refers to the client of the User who is making a purchase for food services from the User via our Platform.
  • 2.4. “Business Day” is a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday in England when banks in London are open for business. “Business Hours” refers to the hours between 9am and 5pm on a Business Day.
  • 2.5. “Platform” means the technology (hardware and software) provided by Kleo, as a SaaS company, to facilitate food ordering. The products and services that we provide through our Platform, regardless of whether fees are charged, are also referred to as “Platform Services”.
  • 2.6. A “Platform Fee” means a fee paid by the End User to Kleo, under the Platform Fees Model (Section 12), in consideration for each individual transaction processed via the Kleo Platform, in addition to any order and delivery fees. Platform Fees are not Merchant Fees or Platform Charges.
  • 2.7. A “Platform Charge” means a fee paid by the User to Kleo, in consideration for each individual transaction processed using web ordering, mobile apps ordering and/or QR Code ordering services under the Platform Charges Model (Section 13). Platform Charges are not Platform Fees.
  • 2.8. A “License Subscription Fee” is the minimum monthly/annual fee, if any, paid by the User to Kleo for access to our Cloud Software.
  • 2.9. “Payment Service Providers” connect the User (the User may also be referred to as a “Merchant” with relation to any/all payment processing) to their consumers, card brand networks and financial institutions to deliver a simple payment experience for users and their customers by processing payments quickly and efficiently. Payment Service Providers may provide both a merchant account and a payment gateway. A “Merchant Account” is a type of business bank account that allows a business to accept and process electronic payment card transactions. A “Payment Gateway” is a technology used by merchants to accept debit or credit card purchases from customers. The term includes not only the physical card-reading devices found in brick-and-mortar retail stores but also the payment processing portals found in online stores. Kleo may charge the User “Merchant Fees” for any/all payment processing services they provide to the User to accept payments from end users. Merchant Fees are not Platform Fees. For further information on Payment Service Providers and payment processing, please refer to Sections 14 and 15.
  • 2.10. Users who have integrated Kleo payments powered by our partners as their Payment Service”. The User is required to agree to the terms and conditions of a Our partners Agreement to create a Connected Account.
  • 2.11. “Personal Data” means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“Data Subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
  • 2.12. “Confidential Information” shall mean certain information and materials, either marked “confidential” or “proprietary” or that a reasonable business person would expect to be confidential or proprietary, including but not limited to information relating to a disclosing party’s or its Group’s business, operations and products, trade secrets, methodologies, potential products, services, processes, customers, business relationships, marketing materials, strategic plans, ideas, research data, development, costs, technologies, financial information and pricing information.
  • 2.13. “Virus” refers to any device or thing (including any software, code, file or programme) which may: prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect the operation of any computer software, hardware or network, any telecommunications service, equipment or network or any other service or device; prevent, impair or otherwise adversely affect access to or the operation of any programme or data, including the reliability of any programme or data (whether by rearranging, altering or erasing the programme or data in whole or part or otherwise); or adversely affect the user experience, including worms, Trojan horses, viruses and other similar things or devices.
  • 2.14. Section headings shall not affect the interpretation of these Terms.
  • 2.15. Unless the context otherwise requires, words in the singular shall include the plural, and in the plural shall include the singular.

3. Account Information

  • 3.1. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase and/or subscribe for a license to access and use our Cloud Software and/or Hardware services.
  • You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information during the subscription process and to update such information to keep it accurate, current and complete. Any significant updates to the User’s personal account information, governed by the Data Protection Act 2018, shall be requested in writing to support@kleocloud.com with a valid reason for the requested changes. Kleo, in its sole discretion and where deemed necessary, reserves the right to request proof of any changes with relation to personal data.
  • 3.3. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your subscription and your access to our Cloud Software Services if any information provided during the subscription process or thereafter proves to be inaccurate, not current or incomplete.
  • 3.4. Once terminated, the Company shall permanently delete (or restrict the processing of) the User’s account and all data associated with it. The Company shall not be held responsible for the User’s account data after termination.

4. Data Protection and Security

  • 4.1. The Company endeavours to use reasonable security measures to keep the User’s personal data highly confidential and protect the User against unauthorised access to their account, account information, and any data which may be stored by the Company Cloud Software. However, the Company cannot guarantee absolute security of a user’s account, account information and/or data, and the Company cannot promise that the security measures will prevent third-party “attackers” from illegally accessing the Services or their content. The User acknowledges that their submission of any information on or through the Services is at the User’s own risk and the User accepts all risks of unauthorised access to the Services, account information and any other information provided to the Company or through the Software.
  • 4.2. For the avoidance of confusion, the User shall typically function as the "Data Controller" for any personal data they supply to Kleo to perform our services. While the data controller will determine the motives and means of processing personal data, the data processor will process the data on behalf of the data controller. Therefore, Kleo is a "Data Processor" that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller while they are using the Kleo services. Any such data controlled by the User shall be governed by the Data Protection Act 2018. Kleo shall not be held liable for any breach in data protection legislation by the User.
  • 4.3. Kleo, in its capacity of a Data Processor, can only process data currently stored on the Cloud Software. Any data permanently modified or deleted from the Cloud Software or the User’s personal account, cannot be retrieved and Kleo carries no responsibilities with relation to any such previous data.
  • 4.4. Data controllers will hold the responsibility for the implementation of relevant technical and organisational measures to substantiate and demonstrate that their data is processed in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018. All obligations regarding concepts such as lawfulness, transparency and fairness, data minimisation, purpose limitation, and preciseness, as well as fulfilling data subject requests lie with the Data Controller.
  • 4.5. Kleo does not have any kind of authority over the data protection notices, policies, and terms and conditions of the User. Therefore, the User will forfeit and keep Kleo and its affiliates indemnified against all losses, costs, and liabilities and all expenses incurred, including reasonable legal or other professional expenses, arising out of or in connection with any claim regarding:
  • 4.5.1. a breach to the Data Protection Act 2018, or
  • 4.5.2. any whatsoever liability emerging in respect of the cookies, or
  • 4.5.3. the capture of Personal Data through the User’s website(s), or
  • 4.5.4.the agreement of data subjects for dispersing any Personal Data outside of the European Economic Area by Kleo.
  • 4.5.5. Any liability under this subsection will not be subject to any limitation of liability or exclusions of liability under the Agreement.
  • 4.6. Kleo shall inform the Data Controller without any undue delay, or within seven (7) days, upon Kleo or any sub-processor observe a breach impacting personal data. At this point in time Kleo will provide the Customer with all adequate information required to meet any obligation so as to inform the concerned data protection authority or to inform the victim under applicable Data Protection laws.
  • 4.7. Kleo shall concur to guide the User with all subject access requests that may be obtained from the end-customer within an appropriate time limit (at the User’s cost). Kleo shall ensure that adequate technical and organisational measures are in place, so that the User can meet its obligations to those requesting access to their personal data held by Kleo. The Company’s assistance with regards to subject access requests is limited to any data currently stored by the User on the Cloud Software. Kleo will not be able to retrieve any old data previously modified or deleted from the Cloud.
  • 4.8. The User hereby consents that Kleo may engage any of its subcontractors as sub- processors without the requirement of further consent. Therefore, the subcontractors are considered as approved under this clause. The User may request a full list of current sub- processors at any time.
  • 4.9. The Company shall not be held liable for any losses arising out of the unauthorised use of a User’s account and the User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the Company harmless, including the officers, directors, shareholders, employees, distributors, agents, partners, licensors, information providers and account providers, as applicable, from and against any improper, unauthorised or illegal uses of the User’s account.
  • 4.10. The User’s login credentials may only be used by the User. Sharing a login with other people is not permitted. An organisation may create separate logins for as many individual users as it wishes. Each user is responsible for maintaining the security of their account login and passwords. Each user agrees that they will not disclose their password to any third party and that they will take sole responsibility for any activities or actions under the User’s account, whether or not you have authorised such activities or actions.
  • 4.11. The user agrees to immediately notify the Company of any unauthorised use of their account, or any other breach of security at  support@kleocloud.com
  • 44.12. Right to Erasure or Restriction of Processing: Section 47 of the Data Protection Act 2018. The User reserves the right to request an erasure of all their personal data from the Kleo user account records, should the User wish to do so once this agreement is terminated. Any such Right to Erasure request must be communicated to Kleo in writing to support@kleocloud.com In cases where personal data must be maintained for the purposes of evidence, Kleo shall (instead of erasing the personal data) restrict its processing. In addition, as a Data Controller, it is the User’s responsibility to comply with any Right to Erasure requests received by the User from any of their customers regarding data stored on the Cloud Software. Kleo, as a Data Processor, carries no responsibility with regards to any Right to Erasure requests received by the User from any of their customers.support@kleocloud.com
  • 4.13. In addition to the terms of this Agreement, and Section 4 in particular, the User should read and understand the terms of the Company’s Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy for further information on how Kleo collects and processes personal information. By using our services, the User automatically agrees to the Company’s Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

5. Kleo Hardware

  • 5.1. The User may purchase hardware from Kleo with or without a valid Cloud Software license subscription. Where the User purchases our hardware for use with a different software, Kleo cannot guarantee that the hardware shall be compatible with the User’s software. The Company is not responsible for ensuring the User’s software compatibility to our hardware.
  • 5.2. It is the User’s responsibility to research fully whether any hardware purchased from Kleo shall meet their requirements and expectations. All hardware descriptions and some video demonstrations are available online at https://www.Kleocloud.com/. Should the User require any further information, the User should contact our Team. The User is encouraged to make full use of these resources in order to make an informed decision when purchasing our hardware.
  • 5.3. All hardware purchases require a full upfront payment at the time of placing an order for dispatch.
  • 5.4. All hardware purchases require a full upfront payment at the time of placing an order for dispatch.
  • 5.5. All prices are listed and charged to the User’s bank account in GBP (£). Any charges for transactions in foreign currency, other than GBP (£), shall be payable by the User.
  • 5.6. All hardware comes flat packed with instruction manuals/guides to help the User carry out full assembly of the equipment. The Company shall not be sending any engineers to carry out any installation or troubleshooting at the User’s location at any time.
  • 5.7. All hardware provided by the Company comes with one (1) year basic manufacturing warranty from the delivery dispatch date.
  • 5.7.1. In the event of a reasonable technical fault, the Company shall endeavour to troubleshoot any issues remotely, or request for the faulty hardware to be returned via the Warranty Returns Process in Section 20.
  • 5.7.2. The Company reserves the right to repair the same faulty piece of equipment as many times as needed before offering a replacement or refund. The Company shall offer a replacement or refund only if the faulty equipment is non-repairable.
  • 5.7.3. Replacement hardware may be a refurbished piece of equipment with the same or better technical specification of the original hardware.
  • 5.7.4. Upon replacement, the warranty remains one (1) year from the initial delivery dispatch date, not from the dispatch date of the replacement item.
  • 5.7.5. Theft, fire, tampering and mishandling is not covered under basic manufacturing warranty.
  • 5.7.6. The Company is not liable if the hardware becomes unusable due to third-party software including, but not limited to, manufacturers and operating systems. No repair, replacement or refund shall be offered to the User in any such cases.
  • 5.8. The Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and its licensors, do not warrant that:
  • 5.8.1. The Hardware will meet the User’s specific requirements; or
  • 5.8.2. The quality of the software, hardware and any other material purchased or obtained by the User will meet all the User’s expectations; or
  • 5.8.3. The Hardware will never develop any faults, errors and/or inaccuracies.
  • 5.8.4. The Hardware will be compatible with newer versions of the Cloud Software, and/or any other software, for the duration of the lifetime of the Hardware purchased. At some point in the future, and it is impossible to predict with exact certainty when this may happen, after the expiration of the one (1) year basic manufacturing warranty, the Hardware may become obsolete. The Company shall endeavour to inform the User, within reasonable time, should the Company stop providing technical support and software updates for a particular version of the Hardware.
  • 5.9. The User shall obtain appropriate insurance to cover all hardware equipment, any other equipment, belongings and property against fire, theft, accidental damage and any other damage occurring due to an unlikely failure in any hardware provided by Kleo. The Company shall not be held responsible for any loss of profits, business, goodwill, use, data or other intangible and tangible losses resulting from a failure in any hardware provided by Kleo.
  • 5.10. Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) of all hardware equipment should be carried out by an individual deemed competent to do so. This is usually a trained individual with a valid Certificate of Competency in PAT testing. It is the User’s responsibility to ensure all hardware equipment is PAT tested regularly to comply with UK laws and regulations. Kleo shall not be responsible for carrying out PAT tests or reminding the User of the need to carry out regular PAT testing.
  • 5.11. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that all hardware purchases made through Kleo are non-refundable.
  • 5.12. Once an order for hardware is placed and payment is received, it is considered final, and no refunds or returns will be accepted.

6. Cloud Software

  • 6.1. The User can purchase our Cloud Software (the “Software”) license subscription with or without hardware provided by Kleo. Should the User decide not to purchase hardware from Kleo, the User agrees that they have access to hardware fully compatible with our Cloud Software. Where the User does not purchase our hardware, the Company shall not be held responsible if the software fails to work. The Company is not responsible for ensuring the User’s hardware compatibility to our Cloud Software.
  • 6.2. Our Cloud Software requires a suitable, fast, stable and reliable internet connection to ensure full and effective functionality of the Software. Kleo recommends the use of wired internet connection for better connectivity, although this recommendation does not guarantee performance of the User’s internet provider.
  • 6.3. The Software is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. The Software is provided without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or course of performance. The use of the Software is at the User’s sole risk.
  • 6.4. The Company shall endeavour to promptly address any technical glitches encountered while using the software, providing such glitches are brought to the Company’s attention immediately.
  • 6.5. The Company, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and its licensors, do not warrant that:
  • 6.5.1. The Software will meet the User’s specific requirements; or
  • 6.5.2. The quality of the software, hardware and any other material purchased or obtained by the User will meet all the User’s expectations; or
  • 6.5.3. The Software will always be accurate or reliable; or
  • 6.5.4. The Software will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; or
  • 6.5.5. The Software is free of viruses or other harmful components; or
  • 6.5.6. Any/all errors in the Software will be corrected.
  • 6.6. The Software contains generic settings for all aspects including taxations, promotions and menu setup. These are customisable as per the User’s needs. It is the User’s responsibility to update all necessary “Settings” before using the Software.
  • 6.7. In the event that the User is required to download any other software in connection with the Cloud Software, the User shall be unable to download and access such software unless they first agree to the license agreement relating to that software. Use of any such software is governed by the terms of use for any such license agreement.
  • 6.8. The User shall upload all menus, promotions and all other necessary data into the Cloud Software. The Company solely provides guidance on the procedure of uploading data onto the Software but the User holds the responsibility to upload the data themselves.
  • 6.9. All data uploaded by the User onto the Cloud Software is stored for the duration of the license subscription. The User shall download all data they wish to save before the license subscription is terminated. Once the license subscription is terminated, all data is permanently deleted. There is no possible way to retrieve deleted data.
  • 6.10. Any data deleted, at any time, from the Cloud Software cannot be restored.
  • 6.11. The Company shall take backups, at least once every 24 hours, of all customers’ data and keep a copy. However, it is recommended that users themselves take regular backups of their data from the Cloud Software
  • 6.12. In the event of an internet connection malfunction, Kleo can run certain Software features offline. During such times, all data shall be stored on the User’s hardware. However, the User needs to connect to the internet within thirty (30) days of the start of offline trading in order to transfer all data stored on the device to the Cloud Software. If no internet connection is established within thirty (30) days of the start of offline trading, all or some data will be lost and/or the system may stop working.
  • 6.13. To access the full features of the Software, the User shall ensure a suitable, fast, stable and reliable internet connection.
  • 6.14. Should the User require any additional new functionality of the Software, the User may submit a request in writing to the Company for assessment. The Company shall, within reasonable time, endeavour to review any such request and assess the compatibility of such new functionality within the Company’s services. The Company does not guarantee that it will be possible to implement any additional new functionality within the Company’s services. In addition, all design and/or functionality requests with potential of copyright infringement, with regards to a competitor company, shall be rejected.
  • 6.15. Kleo currently uses a Cloud server facility located in the country of Ireland, with an additional backup server facility in Singapore. Both of these locations are subject to change based on financial motives or risk to the data stored. Kleo shall review these server facility locations as deemed needed by the Company. The Company shall not be required to obtain the User’s consent should the Company decide to move the Cloud server facility to a new location.
  • 6.16. Cloud servers have 99% uptime. Should there be any planned maintenance of the servers, the Company shall endeavour to notify the User in advance of such planned maintenance. In the unlikely event of an unplanned disruption to the server functionality, the Company shall not be held liable by the User for any loss of profits, business, goodwill, use, data or other intangible and tangible losses resulting from such server failure.

7. License Subscription Fees & Hardware Rental/Instalment Plans.

7.1. The Company has several pricing options and subscription levels depending on the User’s requirements. Before making any purchase, we recommend exploring all license subscription levels, pricing and limitations. The User shall select a subscription level based on their needs. By using the Software, the User accepts the terms and limitations of the selected subsection level and this Agreement.

7.2.. Once the User has completed the full payment and registration process, the User shall receive full access to the User’s online customer account.

7.3. Alternatively, Users can request a quotation via the website and a member of our dedicated Kleo Product Gurus shall be in contact to discuss and generate a “Quotation” in writing to the User’s email address as specified on their account information.  

7.4 The User shall pay the selected monthly/annual subscription fee, if any, for the Software provided by Kleo on the same date of each calendar month/year, unless cancelled as per the Cancellation Policy in Section 23.

7.5. Based on the User’s current license subscription level and cost, the subscription will be renewed monthly/annually via Direct Debit or credit/debit card recurring. There are no other payment options available unless agreed upon during the onboarding process.

7.6. If the User’s payment fails and no payment is done within seven (7) days of initial payment failure, the license subscription will be cancelled, and data associated with it will be deleted permanently from the Cloud after thirty (30) days of the initial payment failure.

7.7. Should the User run out of Cloud data storage, the User can either upgrade their license subscription or download all/some data onto a secure device and delete it from their Cloud. The User acknowledges and accepts that any deleted data from their Cloud cannot be retrieved.

7.8. The User may Upgrade or Downgrade their subscription at any time via the Subscription tab on their online customer account.

7.8.1. Annual subscriptions may be upgraded or downgraded by giving us one calendar month notice.

7.8.2. If downgrading an annual subscription, a refund shall be issued for the monetary difference in subscription levels within twenty-eight (28) days of receiving the request to downgrade and functionality changes shall be processed upon expiration of the month notice.

7.8.3. If upgrading an annual subscription, any monetary difference in subscription levels can be paid via credit/debit card immediately and functionality changes will become active within twenty-four (24) hours.

7.8.4. Kleo shall endeavour to process monthly subscription changes from the following billing date proving we have received at least three (3) working days’ notice. No refunds are available for downgrading a monthly subscription.

7.8.5. Downgrade option is not applicable if the User has subscribed to the lowest subscription level provided by Kleo.

7.8.6. Once downgraded or upgraded, the monthly/annual payment will be adjusted, and Direct Debit changed accordingly, from the next billing date. Any subscription changes made within three (3) working days of the next billing date, shall be reflected from the billing date after next.

7.9. The fees charged by the Company for use of the Software and/or Hardware are subject to change. The Company reserves the right to increase the subscription fee every year after the first twelve (12) months of the subscription by either 5% of the current subscription charges, or as per the inflation rate recognised by the UK Office of National Statistics, whichever is greater.

7.9.1. The Company will endeavour to notify the User at least 30 days prior to increasing the subscription fees.

7.9.2. The User’s continued use of the Software will be deemed acceptance of the renewed terms of payment.

7.9.3. The User reserves the right to cancel their subscription, should the increased subscription cost be outside the User’s financial abilities. The User needs to exercise this right as per the process outlined in Section 23. Should the User wish to re-subscribe after their subscription has been cancelled, a new Quotation and Terms shall be generated.

7.10. All prices are listed and charged to the User’s bank account in GBP (£). Any charges for transactions in foreign currency, other than GBP (£), shall be payable by the User.

7.11. All invoices for monthly/annual payments and/or individual purchases shall be sent via email.

7.12. If the user defaults on subscription fees for more than a month, we reserve the right to deactivate the user's software and immediately collect any hardware shipped to the user on rental or with an instalment plan, however the outstanding  amount due from the rental,subscription ,instalment plans for products which due based on the length of the contract along with interest for non payment,debt collection/legal or any associated costs incurred by The company due to non payment by user will be fully payable by User to The company.

8. Payment Terminal Rental ,Software License Duration and Renewal

8.1. The Customer acknowledges that the subscription and rental for Kleo's software & payment terminals is for a fixed term of two (2) years from the date of initiation, as agreed upon during the subscription process and onboarding process.

 8.2 The license and rental will automatically renew at the end of the initial term and subsequent terms unless the Customer provides explicit written notice of cancellation to support@kleocloud.com at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date.
 8.3. The license and terminal granted herein is non-transferable and non-exclusive.

 8.4. The Customer may use the licensed software and rented terminals solely for their internal business operations.

 8.5. The Customer shall not sublicense, distribute, rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the software and payment terminals to any third party.

8.6 The Customer, on on-boarding and setting up the direct debit  acknowledges their agreement to either purchase or lease the terminal from Kleo Cloud Limited for a fixed duration of two ( 2) years .If the customer chooses to terminate the contract, they will incur charges for the remaining duration if cancellation occurs before the contract's conclusion.

8.7 By signing the quote from Kleo Cloud Limited, the Customer agrees to onboard with our designated payment processing partner to receive the payment terminal. Any delays by the customer in onboarding or signing up with our partner after the introduction are not our responsibility, and the terminal will not be dispatched until the onboarding is completed. However, the Customer's agreement with us will remain in effect, and they will be liable for all fees, Hardware charges and subscriptions as outlined in the quote or set up via direct debit.

8.8 If the customer is introduced to us via our distributor or sales partners, by completing our KYC process and signing our agreement, the customer agrees to all our terms and conditions and is a customer of Kleo Cloud Limited thereafter.Hence The customer is liable to  pay any fees, subscriptions, or other charges stated on their invoice from Kleo Cloud Limited . Any delays in accepting the agreement with our payment partners do not absolve the Merchant from liability for these fees, and they will remain responsible for any subscriptions or fees due

9. Web Ordering Services

9.1. Kleo provides a web ordering system which comes with a URL and it cannot be changed.
9.2. Where the User already has their own existing website, the User shall incorporate the URL into their business website.
9.7. Kleo web ordering platform designs are pre-built and we do not make any customisations.
9.8. This Section 9 is applicable to Users with a subscription to our Web Ordering software services.

10. Mobile Apps Ordering Services

10.1. Kleo provides mobile apps for Google Play Store and Apple Store suitable for mobile devices only. These mobile apps are with “Pre-built” designs and we do not make any customisations.

10.2. If the User wishes to submit an app(s) to publish via their own Google and Apple accounts, the User is free to do so themselves. As per Data Protection regulations, Kleo will not be able to access the User’s own mobile apps control panels.

10.3. If the User does not have their own Google and/or Apple accounts or does not wish to use their own Google and/or Apple accounts, the User may opt in to submit the app(s) for publishing to Google Play Store and/or Apple Store via Kleo Cloud Limited’s business account. If the User opts in to submit the app(s) to Google Play Store and/or Apple Store via Kleo Cloud Limited’s business account, the User has an obligation to provide necessary information such as, but not limited to, business description, app description, terms and conditions, refund policy and privacy policy, and keep this information accurate, current and complete.

10.4. Kleo Cloud Limited does not have any control over the app approval process. Google Play Store and Apple Store approve app submissions under their sole discretion. They may change their policies without any prior notice to anyone and may reject app submissions for any reason. If a submission is rejected, the User shall provide necessary information and evidence as requested by Google Play Store and/or Apple Store to resubmit the app(s).

10.5. Google Play Store and Apple Store usually take up to seven (7) business days to approve apps. These timelines can change at any time and Kleo Cloud Limited does not have any control over these timelines.

10.6. Any necessary amendments to the mobile app(s) content, design, images and graphics shall be done by the User.

10.7. This Section 10 is applicable to Users with a subscription to our Mobile Apps Ordering software services.

11. QR Code Ordering Services

11.1. Kleo provides a QR Code ordering platform which comes with a URL and this URL cannot be changed.

11.2. Our QR Code platform designs are “Pre-built” and we do not make any customisations.

11.3. The User has an obligation to provide necessary information such as, but not limited to, terms and conditions, refund policy and privacy policy, and keep this information accurate, current and complete, in order for Kleo to be able to develop a QR Code for ordering.

11.4. Any necessary amendments to the QR Code content, design, images and graphics shall be done by the User.

11.5. Kleo shall provide a QR Code in JPEG or PNG format which will be sent through email. The User shall print their own stationery and/or marketing materials to advertise the QR Code ordering system. Kleo shall not be providing the User any stationery and/or marketing materials to advertise the QR Code ordering system at any time.

11.6. This Section 11 is applicable to Users with a subscription to our QR Code Ordering software services.

12. Platform Fees Model

12.1. The Platform Fees Model helps Users by passing the cost of maintaining web, mobile and QR Code ordering technologies to the End User.

12.2. The Platform Fees Model is applicable to Users who have signed up for a subscription to at least one of the following Services: Web Ordering, Mobile Apps Ordering and/or QR Code Ordering. The Platform Fees Model requires the User to integrate Kleo Payments powered by Our partners as their Payment Service Provider. This Model is not available with any other payment service provider. 12.3.

Platform Fees are not Merchant Fees. Platform Fees are charged to the End User, while Merchant Fees are payable to Kleo by the User depending on the payment type..

12.4. The Platform Fee shall have VAT included in it, even if the User is not VAT registered. If an End User requires a VAT receipt for the full value of their order, the End User should contact the User for a receipt detailing the order and delivery fees, and contact separately Kleo in writing to  finance@Kleo.com with their request for a receipt detailing the Platform Fee. Kleo shall endeavour to provide a VAT invoice within seven (7) business days.

12.5. The User may request Kleo to provide them with data relating to Platform Fees charged. Kleo is under no obligation to provide any such information, but if we do provide any information, it shall be cumulative data for a given period of time. Should Kleo agree to provide such data, the Company shall endeavour to complete the request within twenty- eight (28) calendar days.

13. Kleo Payments Powered by Our partners

13.1. Kleo has partnered with various acquirers to provide a Payment Processing service. It should be noted that Kleo is not a Payment Service Provider, rather merely an integrator of Our partners payment processing tools. For the avoidance of confusion, it should be noted that Kleo is not regulated by FCA as a payment service provider. This Section is only applicable to Users who have signed up for this payment processing.

13.2. To accept payments using our software, the User is required to apply for a registration with our partners. The User may be asked to provide certain documents, including, but not limited to, identity documents, business registration documents and address proof. If the User (irrespective of whether the User is a business or an individual) is rejected by Our partners to accept the payments, the User will not be able to use our App. Kleo has no control over Our partners’ selection process.

13.3. The User shall be charged by Kleo a Merchant Fee per payment processed via the Platform based on a pre-agreed fixed percentage. The Merchant Fee percentages payable to Kleo and the money settlement frequency shall be communicated to the User during the sales/registration process or the Quotation process.

13.4. Kleo shall provide the User with a “Payment Dashboard” with minimum transaction information for easy navigation and visibility of payments processed. Should the User wish to access full reporting on payments and further payment information, the User should log into their Our partners Merchant Account directly.

13.5. Each transaction will be settled directly into the User’s business bank Account after deducting any Merchant Fees and any Platform Fees. Kleo does not have access to the funds in the User’s business bank account.

13.6. The User may choose to refund a transaction(s) after processing the payment. Regardless of whether a payment is refunded, the User is still required to pay the full Merchant Fees for the refunded transactions. Merchant fees are non-refundable in any circumstances.

13.7. The User may be required to pass any Anti-Money Laundering checks at any time, irrespective of which payment service provider they choose. The User shall always comply with all Anti-Money Laundering statute and legislation. Any non-compliance shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and the possibility for immediate termination of this Agreement as per Section 31.4.6.

13.8. Payment Processing can only be activated when the User enters their login credentials (merchant key) onto the POS terminal and/or Kleo Admin control panel.

13.9. Kleo is not responsible for any issues with the payment gateway, including, but not limited to, fraudulent transactions and bank chargebacks. The Kleo Technical Support team can only assist with first line technical support and login issues, and any unresolved issues shall be passed on to Our partners. Any payment processing issues, including, but not limited to, fraudulent transactions and bank chargebacks shall be addressed to Our partners directly.

13.10. It is the User’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with all Our partners processes and fees associated with disputes and fraud, as well as best practises and guidance around identifying potential fraud.  

13.10.1. A dispute (also known as a chargeback, inquiry, or retrieval) occurs when a cardholder questions a payment with their card issuer. An inquiry or retrieval is a request for more information about the charge, which may escalate to a chargeback. To avoid an inquiry or retrieval becoming a chargeback, submit any required evidence or refund the payment in full. Refunding the payment marks the inquiry or retrieval as resolved and does not incur a dispute fee.

13.10.2. To process a chargeback, the card issuer creates a formal dispute, which immediately reverses the payment. The payment amount, along with a separate £15.00 dispute fee, is then deducted from the Merchant’s account balance. The dispute fee amount is subject to change as per Our partners’s discretion. Kleo is not responsible for communicating any changes to the dispute fee amount to the User.

13.10.3. The User has full responsibility and/or liability for all payment disputes. The User shall deal with payment disputes through their Payment Dashboard by providing necessary evidence. In most cases, Our partners does not decide the outcome of the dispute. Our partners conveys your evidence to their financial partners. Our partners’s financial partners then pass your evidence to the card issuers, if they deem it sufficient. If you do not submit evidence by the time the deadline passes, the cardholder wins the dispute and keeps the funds.

13.10.4. All costs incurred during the dispute resolution process shall be covered by the User. The User shall keep the Company indemnified against any payment disputes and costs incurred during the dispute settlement process. The User acknowledges and agrees that using any form of Payment Processing is at the User’s own risk.

13.11. In the event that Kleo’s partnership with Our partners is terminated, the User shall need to switch to another integrated provider to continue using Kleo Payments for online ordering, and/or contactless table ordering, and/or self-checkout ordering, etc. The Company shall inform the User in advance of any such termination in partnership and provide details of any new third-party payment service provider that will replace Our partners’s functionalities. The User shall have the opportunity to review any new terms and conditions deriving from the new partnership and choose to switch to the new payment service provider, or a different third- party payment service provider (please see Section 15), or cancel any Kleo services altogether (please see Section 23). The Company shall endeavour to make the transition period and process as smooth as possible for the User and their customers.

14. Kleo Payments with Other Third-Party Payment Service Providers

14.1. The Company’s Software supports Payment Processing with certain third-party partners (payment service providers) approved by Kleo,. It should be noted that Kleo is not a Payment Service Provider and is not regulated by FCA as a payment service provider, rather merely an integrator of payment processing tools. The User acknowledges and agrees that using any form of Payment Processing is at the User’s own risk.

14.2. Should the User wish to use online ordering, and/or contactless table ordering, and/or self-checkout ordering systems provided by Kleo, the User must choose one payment service provider from the list of Kleo approved partners. The User should take into consideration the cost, flexibility, and speed offered by each payment service provider before deciding which payment service provider will be best suited to the User’s business. Unless otherwise stated in a quotation, or any other documents in the Appendix of this Agreement, the Company shall not be guiding the User in the selection process. The User can request the Company to provide a list of all integrated payment service providers at any time.

14.3. Company payment processing partners may change from time to time or withdraw integration with or without prior notice. In such cases, the customer shall need to switch to another integrated provider to continue using Kleo Payments for online ordering, and/or contactless table ordering, and/or self-checkout ordering, etc.

14.4. Payment Processing can only be activated when the User enters their login credentials (merchant key) onto the POS terminal.

14.5. Kleo is not responsible for any issues with the payment gateway, including, but not limited to, fraudulent transactions and bank chargebacks. The Kleo Technical Support team cannot assist with any payment processing issues, including, but not limited to, fraudulent transactions, bank chargebacks and login issues. The User shall direct such issues to their bank/merchant account provider.

14.6. The User may be required to pass any Anti-Money Laundering checks at any time, irrespective of which payment service provider they choose. The User shall always comply with all Anti-Money Laundering statute and legislation. Any non-compliance shall constitute a breach of this Agreement and the possibility for immediate termination of this Agreement as per Section 31.4.6.

14.7. Other than as specified in Section 15.2, should the User work with a Payment Service Provider not integrated into the Company’s ePOS Software, the User shall need to manually enter all payment details onto the merchant card terminal.

14.8. This Section 15 is only applicable to Users who have opted for Kleo Payments processed by a third-party partner other than Our partners. .

15. Quote Validity & Default

15.1 The quote provided by the company is valid for a period of 7 days from the date of issuance.

15.2 In the event of a default on payment specified in the signed quote or monies owed to Kleo after delivery or purchase of any of the Kleo products & services including but not limited to hardware and software, the customer acknowledges and agrees that late payment charges, debt collection fees, and legal fees incurred by the company in the process of recovering the outstanding amount will be added to the existing outstanding balance. These additional charges will become payable immediately and will accrue interest at a rate of 10% per annum from the date of default until full payment is received.

16. Credit Broking Service

16.1. The Company works with third-party companies, which provide finance products with the aim to assist our users when purchasing hardware goods from us.

16.2. The User acknowledges and consents to third-party financial institutions’ requirement to access their credit score information. This access is necessary to evaluate the User's eligibility for obtaining financial assistance and to gauge the associated risk for the third- party institution during the process of providing such assistance. In each instance, a credit check may be recorded on the User’s credit score profile. Kleo has no impact over the third-party companies’ decision whether to provide financial assistance to any user.

16.3. Each hardware purchase requiring financial assistance shall be provided in the form of a proposal by the third-party company and be governed by separate terms and conditions between the User and the third-party company.

16.4. It is the User’s responsibility to evaluate the impact of any fees, loan terms and interest rates on the overall repayment sum and their capacity to afford the scheduled repayments. For instance, shorter terms typically come with higher monthly payments but lower overall interest costs; while longer terms may have lower monthly payments but can result in higher total interest payments over time; or you may be charged an early-repayment fee by your lender for repaying the full amount sooner than agreed.

16.5. All repayments shall be made directly to the third-party company providing the User with finance assistance. Any delayed or missed payments may affect your credit score and/or incur a penalty fee. Kleo has no involvement in the repayment process and shall not be responsible for transferring any payments wrongly sent by the User to Kleo, rather than their lender.

16.6. You may be able to independently obtain finance with better terms. Kleo makes no warranties or representations that the portfolio of third-party lenders we work with may be able to provide the best interest rates or payment terms available to you.

16.7. Any complaints regarding the third-party company providing your finance shall be raised with them directly. You should familiarise yourself with their complaints procedure. Kleo has no involvement in the services, policies and procedures of any third-party lenders we may work with.

16.8. Kleo may receive commission from third-party lenders for referring their services to our users. The Company shall not be required to disclose any further information about any such commissions.

16.9. Any termination of this Agreement does not constitute termination of the agreement you may still have with a third-party lender. You are liable for the full repayment of your financed sum, including any interest and fees associated with that agreement.

17. Customer Support Services

17.1. All queries, requests and/or issues shall be directed to the Company Customer Support Team for review. The Customer Support Team, which includes the Technical Support Team, is operational on a 24/7 basis. In the event of any unforeseen disruption to the telephone and/or Internet connection with the Customer Support Team, the operation times may be reduced. The Company shall endeavour to minimise the effect of any such disruption onto the Customer Support Team operations.

17.2. The Company uses an internal ticketing system across all support channels. All data collected via the ticketing system shall only be used for ticket prioritisation and producing reports for internal management and improvements. Any data used for internal reports shall be anonymised first. No data shall be distributed to any third party without prior consent from the User.

17.3. The customer support channels available to the User shall be dependent upon the User’s subscription level. In the unlikely event that a particular support channel experiences technical difficulties and becomes temporarily unavailable, the User shall attempt to contact the Customer Support Team via a different support channel.

17.4. The User shall receive technical support in case of any issues with the Company’s software and or hardware within 24 hours of sending a request through telephone or email at support@kleocloud.com For more complex issues, the request will be passed to our second line support team for resolution within 72 hours of the initial User’s request. In the unlikely event that the Technical Support Team encounters a new issue not dealt with before, the Company shall endeavour to keep the User informed on the expected timeframe for resolution and keep any disruption to the Services functionality to a minimum.

17.5. Telephone technical support (+44 7417512578 ) is available to the User free of charge for the first three (3) months of their license subscription. Should the User require telephone technical support for longer than the first three (3) months of their license subscription, this shall be charged as an additional cost to the User’s monthly/annual subscription OR shall be included in a quotation.

17.6. Remote training on the use of the Cloud services can be provided upon request by the User, depending on reasonable timeframes and availability of Company engineers. Repeat training may be charged at an additional cost to the User. Any such cost and payment process shall be communicated to the User in advance.

17.7. The Company does not offer on-site visits to the User’s locations as part of our technical support services. All technical support provided by the Company is on a remote basis only.

17.7.1. The User shall be required to assist with troubleshooting any technical issues while being guided by an engineer remotely.

17.7.2. Should any troubleshooting require additional time for resolving, the User shall be given the option to proceed with the troubleshooting at a time more convenient to the User.

17.7.3. Should the User be required to provide remote access to their devise(s) and/or screen share with a technical support engineer, the User shall be responsible for ensuring all sensitive data is closed on their device before remote access and/or screen share begins.

17.8. The Company Customer Support Team is currently based in India. This location is subject to change based on the Company’s sole discretion. Kleo shall review the Customer Support Team’s location as deemed necessary by the Company. The Company shall not be required to obtain the User’s consent should the Company decide to move the Customer Support Team to a new location.

18. Third-Party Licensing, Tools, and Integrations

18.1. The Software is developed in Android, PHP, Python, Flutters, Angular, HTML, MySQL, JavaScript, eJabber, CSS and a number of other software tools. These are currently license-free, therefore, no software license is required for the users. If any third-party software used becomes paid, the User shall subscribe to it or pay additional fees to the Company to cover the necessary license fees.

18.2. The Company has integrated Google Maps API to find addresses with a postcode. These address lookups are useful while taking orders, registering customers, loyalty management, etc. The Company has no control over these records, therefore it does not hold any responsibility or liability for the accuracy of such records. The Company shall provide the User with one thousand (1,000) address lookups free of charge every month. Any additional address lookups shall be charged at an additional rate, as specified in the subscription level or Quotation, and added onto the following month’s subscription charges.

18.3. To enhance the Software usage, the company has integrated third-party tools such as, but not limited to, Deliveroo, Deliverect, MailChimp, Message Bird, SendGrid, Twilio, Xero and many others. If the User wants to use the services from any integrated third-party tools, they must subscribe to services directly from the provider. The Company does not hold any responsibility for pricing, tool-performance and disputes related to third-party tools. Should the User already have a subscription with any of the integrated third-party tools, the User may sync their third part account with the Software.

18.4. Third-party tools and/or integrations may change with or without prior notice to Kleo and/or the User. The Company shall not be held liable by the User for any loss of profits, business, goodwill, use, data or other intangible and tangible losses resulting from the withdrawal of any third-party tools and/or integrations with or without prior notice.

18.5. The User can request the Company to provide a list of all third-party tools and integrations at any time.  

19. Hardware Refunds Policy

19.1. Upon submitting your order details, you are making an offer to us to purchase the item(s) you have specified in your order form. We reserve the right to refuse your order should it be necessary. We will notify you if this is the case and return any payment that you have made.

19.2. You must notify us immediately if you decide to cancel your order, preferably by phone, and quote your order number.

19.2.1. Once direct debit is set up or if the payment is made the order will be dispatched for delivery . , your delivery cancellation request will be refused, and you will need to refer to the process detailed in Section 19.6.

19.2.2. If the cancellation was made before on-boarding is complete and the direct debit is set-up or payment is made, and once we have accepted your delivery cancellation request, we will cancel the full order and you will not be liable for the conract.

19.3. If we can only do a split delivery (not all items from the order are available at the same time), our staff shall inform you of the expected date for delivery of the remaining items. You have the right to refuse a split delivery before the order is dispatched and wait for all items to become available at the same time, or request to cancel your order and get a refund.

19.4. In the unlikely event that we deliver a wrong item of hardware, you have the right to either:

  • 19.4.1. Reject the delivery of the wrong item and you shall be fully refunded for the missing item; or
  • 19.4.2. Reject the delivery of the wrong item and request for us to replace the incorrect item with the item that you ordered, in which case, we shall send you the correct one as soon as possible.
  • 19.4.3. If you discover that a wrong item has been dispatched after the delivery has been completed, you will be required to return the incorrect item to avoid being charged for it.

19.5. Should any items arrive damaged in transit, the User needs to report this to Kleo within seven (7) working days of delivery. If the packaging is visibly damaged when received, the User is required to bring this to the attention of the delivery driver who may be able to record this on their system. Should any damaged items need to be replaced, the User shall make them available for collection with original packaging including all accessories and documentation. Kleo shall arrange the collection and process a replacement delivery.

19.6. Under the definitions given in the Consumer Rights Act 2015, and the terms of Section 1.6, the User is not classed as a “consumer” and no consumer statutory rights are applicable to this Agreement. However, as a gesture of goodwill, Kleo operates a “7 Days Money Back Guarantee” policy for purchases of Hardware items.

  • 19.6.1. Should you change your mind and wish to return your Hardware order due to faults in the hardware, the Company shall issue a full refund for any undamaged and unused items returned within seven (7) days of delivery, minus any delivery charges for delivery and/or returns. The item(s) returned must be unused, still in their original packaging, including all accessories and documentation, and must be in “as new” and resalable condition.
  • 19.6.2. The Company reserves the right to refuse a full or partial refund if:
  • any item is not returned in its original packaging; or
  • any item is missing any accessories and/or documentation; or
  • the goods are in a damaged condition (any damaged equipment will be charged at full cost); or
  • the goods are not returned within seven (7) days of delivery.
  • 19.6.3. Should you wish to return your goods to us, you will be responsible for the delivery costs associated with the return. Kleo can organise a collection on your behalf, but the associated costs will be deducted from your total refund amount.

19.7. For any other formal complaint with a genuine reason, you have seven (7) days from the day of delivery to request a refund, subject to our discretion and acceptance of the complaint.

19.8. In the event of a return, any relevant refunds, credit notes or exchanges can only be made to the payment card account or the business/person that made the order originally. Debit/credit card payment refunds can take up to twenty-eight (28) days to process, even if you contact us immediately after placing your order to cancel. This processing time is beyond our control and we apologise for the inconvenience it may cause.

19.9. Any amounts paid for onsite installations, product imports, support payments, postage, module integrations, repair and labour costs are non-refundable.

19.10. All costs with respect to Software sales and license subscriptions are excluded from the standard returns policy due to the considerable costs in configuration, personalization, training, and installation. These items are strictly non-refundable.

20. Hardware Warranty Returns Process

20.1. The User reserves the right to request a warranty return, by contacting the Customer Support Team, should the User feel the equipment provided by Kleo is ‘not fit for purpose' within the one (1) year basic manufacturer’s warranty.

20.2. The Company shall endeavour to obtain proper reasons as to why the User feels the product is ‘not fit for purpose' and attempt to reasonably resolve any issues upon remote troubleshooting.

20.3. Should the issues not be resolved remotely, the Company shall request for the User to send, via a courier service, the faulty hardware to a nominated address for repair. The User shall pack the hardware in appropriate packaging to avoid any damage in transit. The Company reserves the right to charge the User for any damage caused in transit due to poor packaging.

20.4. Once the hardware is repaired, the Company shall post the repaired hardware back to the User. Should the fault be non-repairable, the Company shall send the User a replacement of the faulty hardware. Any replacement hardware may be a refurbished item.

20.5. If the item returned is found to be in a working condition but in a poor and unreasonable state of cleanliness, the User will be billed for cleaning at a fixed rate of £50 per item.

20.6. Warranty refunds may only be offered by the Company after all endeavours have been made by the Company to resolve any arising issue/fault and no reasonable replacement equipment is available.

20.7. The company cannot process a warranty refund of hardware due to any of the following reasons:

  • 20.7.1. The User or staff not understanding or using the system properly; or
  • 20.7.2. Lack of compatibility with third-party items/systems; or
  • 20.7.3. The equipment has been configured, personalized and/or used; or
  • 20.7.5. Operational problems arising from the User’s unstable or insufficient internet connection; or
  • 20.7.6. The User has accidentally damaged the item after delivery; or
  • 20.7.7. The User has misused the item and damaged it; or
  • 20.7.8. The User has tried to open or tamper with the hardware in any way; or
  • 20.7.9. Any environmental problems that are out of the Company’s control; or
  • 20.7.10. The User’s business goes bankrupt.

20.8. The Company does not offer on-site visits to the User’s location as part of our warranty repair process. All technical support provided by the Company is on a remote basis.

20.9. Hardware repairs outside the one (1) year basic manufacturer’s warranty could be carried out at an additional cost to the User. Any such cost shall be agreed by the Company and the User, prior to any work being carried out.

21. SMS/MMS Mobile Message Marketing Program

21.1. Kleo is offering a mobile messaging program (the “Program”) through AutopilotHQ, Inc. (“Autopilot”), which the User agrees to use and participate in, subject to these specific Mobile Messaging Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

  • 21.1.1. By opting in to or participating in any of the Company’s Programs, the User accepts and agrees to these terms and conditions, including, without limitation, the User’s agreement to resolve any disputes with the Company through binding, individual-only arbitration, as detailed in the “Dispute Resolution” below in Section 21.13.
  • 21.1.2. The Terms in this Section 21 are limited to the Program and are not intended to modify other Terms and Conditions that may govern the relationship between the Parties in other contexts.

21.2. User Opt In: The Program allows Users to receive SMS/MMS mobile messages by affirmatively opting into the Program, such as through online, offline, or application-based enrolment forms. Regardless of the opt-in method the User has utilized to join the Program, the User acknowledges that this Agreement applies to the User’s participation in the Program.

  • 21.2.1. By participating in the Program, the User agrees to receive autodialled or manually dialled marketing mobile messages (as applicable) at the phone number associated with the User’s opt-in, and the User understands that consent is not required to make any purchase from the Company.
  • 21.2.2. While the User consents to receive messages sent using an autodialer, the foregoing shall not be interpreted to suggest or imply that any or all of the Company’s mobile messages are sent using an automatic telephone dialling system (“ATDS” or “autodialer”). Message and data rates may apply.

21.3. User Opt Out: The User reserves the right to request to opt out of the Program, should the User not wish to continue participating in the Program.

  • 21.3.1. In order to opt out of the Program, the User must reply “STOP”, “END”, “CANCEL”, “UNSUBSCRIBE”, or “QUIT” to any mobile message from the Company. The User may receive an additional mobile message confirming the User’s decision to opt out.
  • 21.3.2. The User understands and agrees that the foregoing options are the only reasonable methods of opting out.
  • 21.3.3. The User understands and agrees that any other method of opting out, including, but not limited to, texting words other than those set forth above or verbally requesting one of the Company’s employees to remove the User from the Program’s mailing list, is not a reasonable means of opting out.

21.4. Duty to Notify and Indemnify: If at any time the User intends to stop using the mobile telephone number that has been used to subscribe to the Program, including cancelling the User’s service plan or selling or transferring the telephone number to another party, the User must complete the User Opt Out process set forth above (Section 21.3) prior to ending the User’s use of the mobile telephone number.

  • 21.4.1. The User understands and agrees that the User’s agreement to do so is a material part of these terms and conditions.
  • 21.4.2. The User agrees that the User shall indemnify, defend, and hold the Company harmless from any claim or liability resulting from the User’s failure to notify us of a change in the information the User has provided the Company. The User understands and agrees that, if the User discontinues the use of the User’s mobile telephone number without notifying Kleo of such change, the User will be responsible for all costs (including any legal fees) and liabilities incurred by the Company, or any party that assists in the delivery of the mobile messages, as a result of claims brought by individual(s) who are later assigned that mobile telephone number.
  • 21.4.3. This duty and agreement shall survive any cancellation or termination of the User’s agreement to participate in any of the Company’s Programs.

21.5. Program Description: Without limiting the scope of the Program, users who opt in to the Program can expect to receive messages concerning the marketing and sale of digital and physical products, services, and events.

21.6. Cost and Frequency: Message and data rates may apply. The Program involves recurring mobile messages, and additional mobile messages may be sent periodically based on your interaction with Kleo.

21.7. Support Instructions: For support regarding the Program, text “HELP” to the number you received messages from or email Kleo at info@Kleo.com. Please note that the use of this email address is not an acceptable method of opting out of the program. Opt out requests must be submitted in accordance with the procedures set forth above (Section 21.3).

21.8. MMS Disclosure: The Program will send SMS TMs (terminating messages) if your mobile device does not support MMS messaging.

21.9. Disclaimer of Warranty: The Program is offered on an "as-is" basis and may not be available in all areas at all times and may not continue to work in the event of product, software, coverage or other changes made by the User’s wireless carrier/service provider/network operator.

  • 21.9.1. The Company shall not be liable for any delays or failures in the receipt of any mobile messages connected with this Program. Delivery of mobile messages is subject to effective transmission from your wireless service provider/network operator and is outside of the Company’s control.
  • 21.9.2. Kleo, any party that assists the Company in the delivery of the mobile messages, and the respective wireless carriers, including T-Mobile, are not liable for delayed or undelivered mobile messages.

21.10. Participant Requirements: the User must have a wireless device of their own, capable of two-way messaging, be using a participating wireless carrier, and be a wireless service subscriber with text messaging service. Not all cellular telephone providers carry the necessary service to participate in the Program. The User should check their telephone capabilities for specific text messaging instructions.

21.11. Age Restriction: You may not use or engage with the Program if you are under thirteen (13) years of age. If you use or engage with the Program and are between the ages of thirteen (13) and eighteen (18) years of age, you must have your parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to do so. By using or engaging with the Program, you acknowledge and agree that you are not under the age of thirteen (13) years; are between the ages of thirteen (13) and eighteen (18) and have your parent’s or legal guardian’s permission to use or engage with the Program; or are of adult age in your jurisdiction. By using or engaging with the Program, you also acknowledge and agree that you are permitted by your jurisdiction’s applicable laws to use and/or engage with the Platform.

21.12. Prohibited Content: the User acknowledges and agrees to not send any prohibited content over the Program. Prohibited content includes, but is not limited to:

  • 21.12.1. Any fraudulent, libellous, defamatory, scandalous, threatening, harassing, or stalking activity;
  • 21.12.2. Objectionable content, including profanity, obscenity, lasciviousness, violence, bigotry, hatred, and discrimination on the basis of race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
  • 21.12.3. Pirated computer programs, viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other harmful code;
  • 21.12.4. Any product, service, or promotion that is unlawful where such product, service, or promotion thereof is received;
  • 21.12.5. Any content that implicates and/or references personal information that is protected by the Data Protection Act 2018; and
  • 21.12.6. Any other content that is prohibited by the applicable laws in the jurisdiction from which the message is sent.

21.13. Dispute Resolution, Arbitration and Class Action Waiver. Please read this Section carefully. It affects your rights and will have a substantial impact on how claims between the Parties are resolved:

  • 21.13.1. In the event that there is a dispute, claim, or controversy between the Parties, or any other third-party service provider, including Autopilot, acting on the Company’s behalf to transmit the mobile messages within the scope of the Program, arising out of or relating to federal or state statutory claims, common law claims, this Agreement, or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, such dispute, claim, or controversy will be, to the fullest extent permitted by law, determined by arbitration in 38 West Gorgie Parks, Edinburgh, EH5 1RT, before one sole arbitrator.
  • 21.13.2. The Parties agree to submit the dispute to binding arbitration in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996. Except as otherwise provided herein, the arbitrator shall apply the applicable laws (Section 32) of the jurisdiction in which Kleo’s principal place of business is located, without regard to the possible conflict of laws between different jurisdictions in which the Parties may be operating.
  • Within ten (10) calendar days after the arbitration demand is served upon a party, the Parties must jointly select an arbitrator with at least five (5) years’ experience in that capacity and who has knowledge of and experience with the subject matter of the dispute.
  • If the Parties do not agree on an arbitrator within ten (10) calendar days, a Party may apply for the Law Society president to appoint an arbitrator, who must satisfy the same experience requirement.
  • In the event of a dispute, the arbitrator shall decide the enforceability and interpretation of this arbitration agreement in accordance with the Arbitration Act 1996.
  • The Parties agree that the Party submitting the dispute for arbitration, may request an emergency action by the other Party, in lieu of seeking emergency injunction from a court, with the same effect as a court injunction. The Parties agree that the appointment of an emergency arbitrator would not be necessary due to the additional costs of doing so.
  • The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding, and no party shall have rights of appeal except for those provided in Section 68 of the Arbitration Act 1996.
  • Each Party shall bear its share of the fees paid for the arbitrator and the administration of the arbitration; however, the arbitrator shall have the power to order one party to pay all or any portion of such fees as part of a well-reasoned decision. The Parties agree that the arbitrator shall have the authority to award arbitration fees only to the extent expressly authorised by statute or contract.
  • The arbitrator shall have no authority to award punitive damages and each party hereby waives any right to seek or recover punitive damages with respect to any dispute resolved by arbitration.
  • The Parties agree to arbitrate solely on an individual basis, and this Agreement does not permit class arbitration or any claims brought as a claimant or class member in any class or representative arbitration proceeding.
  • Except as may be required by law, neither a party nor the arbitrator may disclose the existence, content, or results of any arbitration without the prior written consent of both Parties, unless to protect or pursue a legal right.
  • If any term or provision of this Section is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in the jurisdiction specified in Section 32, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect any other term or provision of this Section.
  • If for any reason a dispute proceeds in court rather than in arbitration, the Parties hereby waive any right to a jury trial. This arbitration provision shall survive any cancellation or termination of the User’s agreement to participate in any of the Company’s Programs.

21.14. The User warrants and represents to the Company that the User has all necessary rights, power, and authority to agree to these Terms and perform the User’s obligations hereunder, and nothing contained in this Agreement or in the performance of such obligations will place the User in breach of any other contract or obligation.

21.15. The failure of either Party to exercise in any respect any right provided for herein will not be deemed a waiver of any further rights hereunder.

21.16. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that this Agreement will otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable.

21.17. Any new features, changes, updates or improvements of the Program shall be subject to this Agreement unless explicitly stated otherwise in writing.

21.18. Kleo reserves the right to change this Agreement from time to time. Any updates to this Agreement shall be communicated to the User. The User acknowledges the User’s responsibility to review this Agreement from time to time and to be aware of any such changes. By continuing to participate in the Program after any such changes, the User accepts this Agreement, as modified.

22. Formal Complaints Procedure

22.1. Kleo is committed to providing a quality service for its customers and operating in an open, accountable, and respectful way. If you are unsatisfied with any part of our service, please contact us immediately via telephone or email. The Company shall endeavour to resolve any issues within reasonable time. The Company shall use the following Complaints Procedure with regards to any issues not related to hardware malfunctioning:

22.1.1. Stage 1 - If you are unable to resolve an issue informally, you should contact us directly in writing via email or post and give us a chance to put things right. In your contact email/letter to us, you should set out the details of your complaint, the resulting consequences you have faced, and the remedy that you seek. You can expect your complaint to be acknowledged within five (5) business days of receipt and you should get an official response within twenty (20) business days. Our contact details can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ part of our Kleo Website -https://www.Kleo.com/uk/contact-us

22.1.2. Stage 2 - If you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint, then you can write to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) via email or post and ask for a review of your complaint and response received. You can expect the CEO to acknowledge your request within five (5) business days of receipt and a response within twenty (20) business days. Kleo aims to resolve every issue as quickly as reasonably possible. However, certain issues may be more complex and, therefore, may require more time for a thorough investigation. If an issue requires further investigation, you will receive details of what steps are being taken to investigate the complaint, in what timescales an official response can be expected and from whom.

22.1.3. Final Stage - If you are not satisfied with the subsequent reply and action taken by the CEO, then you have the option of writing to any of the following, depending on the nature of your complaint:

Information Commissioner’s Office: https://ico.org.uk/

Health and Safety Executive: http://www.hse.gov.uk/

Citizens Advice

Telephone: 0808 223 1133

Website: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/get-more-help/if-you-need-more-help-about-a-consumer-issue/  

The Financial Ombudsman Service

Exchange Tower

London E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567

Website: https://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/

23. Cancellation of License Subscription

23.1. The User may request to cancel their renewal of license subscription subject to a thirty (30) days’ notice to Kleo by contacting the Customer Support Team via email or telephone and provide explicit written notice of cancellation to support@kleocloud.com

23.2. In the event the Customer chooses to terminate the subscription before the completion of the agreed two-year term, the Customer shall be liable for the remainder of the subscription period and agrees to pay the outstanding amount for the remaining contract term.

23.3. The outstanding amount shall be calculated as the prorated fees for the remaining months of the contract term

23.4. The User reserves the right to withdraw their cancellation request within the thirty (30) days’ notice period and continue the license subscription without any obstructions.

24. Tax Calculations

24.1. Kleo calculates tax on each line which is sold in a transaction as a common practice in most software.

24.2. The User might see a difference in total tax when calculating tax based on single transaction vs total sales for a specific period. For example, if you consider an item sold at 25p with 20% tax, this will result in a tax of 4.16p which is rounded to 4p per transaction. If this item is sold separately 100 times, then the accrued tax will be £4.00. However, if you calculate this as 20% of the total 100 items, you will get £4.16 tax.

24.3. Discounts applied to tax on a transaction are taken equally from all items in the transaction (pro-rota).

24.4. Kleo is not liable for any incorrect tax calculations. It is the User’s responsibility to take professional tax advice before submitting returns to tax and other governing authorities.

25. Company Income from Third-Party Referrals

25.1. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Company will be receiving financial incentives/commission from third-party providers such as leasing, finance, card processing, software tools, delivery partners, hardware tools and other providers for referring the User.

25.2. The Company shall not be notifying or disclosing to the User any such financial incentives/commission figures at any time.

25.3. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Company reserves full rights on receiving and retaining such financial incentives.

26. Intellectual Property Rights

26.1. The User acknowledges and agrees that iHybrid will hold all intellectual property rights in the software and hardware including, but not limited to, copyright and trademark rights.

26.2. Under the terms of this license, the Company grants the User non-exclusive, non-transferable, and time-limited rights to use the software, interfaces, content, documentation, and any data, whether in read-only memory, on any other media or in any other form.

26.3. The User undertakes not to challenge or do anything inconsistent with such ownership.

26.4. The User grants the Company, by using the software, a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual license to use information and/or data collected from the User’s activity on the Software, provided that the information or data is anonymised before use. Other than this right, the Company claims no intellectual property rights in relation to the information or contents the User inputs into the Software.

26.5. The User may provide the Company with feedback, alternative options, comments or suggestions on the Software, and the User agrees that the Company will be free to use, modify and incorporate such suggestions without any obligation to the User. All intellectual property rights for such modifications remain with Kleo.

26.6. The Company retains ownership of the software itself and reserves all rights not expressly granted to the User.

26.7. The User is not permitted to assign, sub-license, and novate or transfer these Terms or any of the rights licensed to them.

27. Unauthorised, Malicious and/or Illegal Use

27.1. The Company does not authorise the User to do any functionality changes or integrations into the Company Software without prior consent.

27.2. The User must not:

27.2.1. Use the Software in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful or fraudulent purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with these Terms; or

27.2.2. Upload any malicious or unlawful content and/or data onto the Software; or

27.2.3. Infringe on the intellectual property rights, or those of any third party, in relation to their use of the Software; or

27.2.4. Tamper with or use the Software in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or compromise the Company’s systems or security, or interfere with other users’ systems or security; or

27.2.5. Collect any information or data from the Software and/or Hardware or systems; or

27.2.6. Disclose or distribute information relating to another user of the Software to any third party; or

27.2.7. Use any other User's information for any marketing purposes unless they have obtained the User's express permission to do so; or

27.2.8. Access or register user logins via any automated methods.

28. Limitation of Liability

28.1. Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits our liability for:

  • 28.1.1. Death or personal injury caused by our negligence; and/or
  • 28.1.2. Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and/or
  • 28.1.3. Any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for us to exclude or restrict our liability.

28.2. Nothing in these terms and conditions will restrict any of your statutory rights.

28.3. The Company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, business, goodwill, use, data or other intangible and tangible losses resulting from:

  • 28.3.1. The use or the inability to use the Software, hardware (in whole or in part) or any technical malfunctions; or
  • 28.3.2. The unauthorized access to, or alteration of, your communications or data; or
  • 28.3.3. The cost of procurement of substitute goods and services; or
  • 28.3.4. The conduct or actions of any third party regarding the Software; or
  • 28.3.5. Any other matter relating to the Software.

28.4. The Company does not accept any liability for any delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, viruses or other contamination or destructive properties transmitted to you or your computer system via our Software.

28.5. Force majeure: We will not be deemed to be in breach of contract or of these terms and conditions as a result of any delay in our performance or failure to perform our obligations if that delay or failure to perform is due to any cause or circumstance beyond our reasonable control including, but not limited to, all overwhelming and unpreventable events caused directly and exclusively by forces of nature that can be neither anticipated, nor controlled, nor prevented by the exercise of prudence, diligence, and care, including but not limited to: war, riot, civil commotion; compliance with any law or governmental order, rule, regulation or direction and acts of third parties.

28.6. If we have contracted to provide orders to more than one customer and are prevented from fully meeting our obligations to you by reason of an event of Force Majeure, we may decide at our absolute discretion which orders we will fill and to what extent. Nothing in these Terms obliges us to prioritise any order placed by the User in an event of Force Majeure.

28.7. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in Clause 22.5 shall excuse the Customer from any payment obligations under this agreement.

28.8. The products sold by Kleo are provided for commercial use only. Accordingly, we do not accept liability for any indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of data, loss of income or profit, loss or damage to property and/or loss from claims of third parties arising out of the use of the Software and/or Hardware or for any products or services purchased from the Company.

28.9. We have taken all reasonable steps to prevent Internet fraud and ensure any data collected from you is stored as securely and safely as possible. However, we cannot be held liable in the unlikely event of a breach in our secure computer servers or those of third parties.

28.10. No delay or failure on our part to enforce our rights or remedies under the Agreement shall constitute a waiver on our part of such rights or remedies unless such waiver is confirmed in writing.

28.11. The User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Kleo, its affiliates and its licensees and licensors, and their employees, contractors, agents, officers and directors, from and against any and all claims, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debt, and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable legal fees), resulting from or arising out of a) your use and access of the Services, b) any unauthorised use of your account or password, or c) any other breach of the terms of this Agreement.

28.12. In addition, you will indemnify us and our affiliates against any losses, damages, or claims (and all related costs including legal fees), penalties, fines, interest, expenses and other liabilities resulting from a third-party claim against us or affiliate arising from this Agreement and relating to a violation or claimed violation of the third party’s intellectual property rights, where the loss, damages or claim arises from us or an affiliate, using or permitting the use of, or being or having been the registered proprietor of a domain name, a brand name, trademark, logo or other intellectual property which the third-party claims violate its own rights, or where it is claimed we or an affiliate have assisted or permitted you to use or to be a registered proprietor of such rights in violation of the third party’s own rights.

28.13. Other than as set out above, the Company’s maximum aggregate liability arising out of any losses for paid license subscription users under or in connection with these Terms, is limited to the total amount of subscription fees paid by the User in the previous twelve (12) months.

29. Representation

29.1. The User has the due right and power to enter into this Agreement. Entering into this Agreement will not cause a breach of any agreement the User has with a third party.

29.2. By assenting to this Agreement, the User represents and warrants that they have the full right, power and authority to access and use the Software and, to the extent necessary, that they have obtained all necessary corporate or other authorizations or consents to access and use the Services. Thus, if you are an individual (e.g., employee or consultant) acting on behalf of an organization, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all necessary authorizations or consents (i.e., you must be an authorized representative) to accept these Terms on behalf of such Organization so that, in addition to yourself, such Organization is bound by these Terms.

30. Severance

30.1. If any part of these Terms and Conditions is found to be invalid by a court of Law, tribunal or another forum of competent jurisdiction, or otherwise rendered unenforceable, that decision shall not invalidate or void the other parts of this Agreement. An amendment of these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to have been undertaken by any modification or severing parts of the Terms and Conditions as necessary to render them valid, legal and enforceable while preserving their sole purpose. Or, if this is not possible, by substituting another provision that is valid, legal and enforceable that gives equivalent effect to the Parties’ intent.

31. Termination of Agreement

31.1. The Company may decide to cease providing all parts of the Software at any time, for any foreseen or unforeseen reasons, including, but not limited to, cessation of trading or bankruptcy. Nothing in these Terms is to be taken as a guarantee that the Software will always be available, either in its current form or an updated version.

31.2. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party subject to a thirty (30) days’ written notice to the other Party via email.

31.2.1. Should the User’s billing cycle fall during the thirty (30) days’ notice period, a full subscription shall be charged.

31.2.2. During the thirty (30) days’ notice of termination, the User shall download all data stored on the Cloud Software for their account. After the license subscription is cancelled and this Agreement terminated, all account data will be permanently deleted. There is no possible way to retrieve deleted data.

31.2.3. The User reserves the right to withdraw their termination request within the thirty (30) days’ notice period and continue the licence subscription without any obstructions.

31.3. Kleo may decide to terminate this agreement with immediate effect, should the User or any of their employees and/or associates display any form of bullying, inappropriate, violent, aggressive, threatening, intimidating, racist and/or otherwise disrespectful behaviour; and/or use any form of offensive, aggressive, threatening, racist and/or otherwise disrespectful language towards any employee or associate of Kleo. 31.3.1. In the event of a termination under this section 28.3, Kleo shall provide the User with an immediate verbal or written notice, and written confirmation within twenty-four (24) hours via email.

31.3.2. Once the subscription is terminated, no refunds will be applicable.

31.4. Either Party (the “Terminating Party”) may terminate this Agreement immediately if:

31.4.1. The other Party files for bankruptcy, receivership, insolvency, reorganisation, dissolution, liquidation, or similar proceedings; or

31.4.2. The other Party had a bankruptcy, receivership, insolvency, reorganisation, dissolution, liquidation, or similar proceedings proceeding instituted against it and such proceeding is not dismissed within sixty (60) days; or

31.4.3. The other Party makes an assignment for the benefit of its creditors or an offer of settlement, extension or composition to its creditors or an offer of settlement, extension, or composition to its creditors generally; or

31.4.4. A trustee, conservator, receiver, or similar fiduciary is appointed for that party or substantially all of the other Party’s assets; or

31.4.5. The other Party commits any fraud or misrepresentation or engages in any act or omission that may damage the reputation, business, or goodwill of the Terminating Party; or

31.4.6. The other Party is found to be involved of any form of child labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, forced and bonded labour and human rights violations, money laundering or terrorist activity; or

31.4.7. The other Party breaches any of the provisions of this Agreement.

32. Law and Jurisdiction

32.1. Other than as specified in Section 21, any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall to the extent possible be settled amicably by negotiation between the Parties within thirty (30) days from the date of written notice by either party of the existence of such a dispute. If the Parties do not reach settlement within a period of thirty (30) days, they will attempt to settle it by mediation before resorting to litigation. The Parties shall attempt to agree upon the appointment of a mediator, upon receipt, by either of them, of a written notice to concur in such appointment. Should the mediation fail, in whole or in part, either Party may decide to take the dispute or claim to court for final decision.

32.2. These terms of use and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or their subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. All legal disputes related to card processing are handled under laws of England and Wales.

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33. Entire Agreement

33.1. This Agreement, together with any supporting documents added in the Appendix, constitute the entire Agreement between the Company and the User, and supersedes any prior written or oral agreement with respect to the subject matter hereof.